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About Us


A New Door to the Future of ADR Industry in the Arab World

We are a Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration initiative to develop Arab human capital in the scholarship and practice of alternative dispute resolution and build the next generation of ADR practitioners in the Arab world.

The SCCA Academy is the first Arab initiative to offer educational and training programs to build a generation of practitioners well versed in the concepts and standards of the alternative dispute resolution industry and capable of applying those concepts and standards in various financial and business sectors, thus enabling the advancement of the ADR industry in the Arab region, and bringing Arab practitioners to the fore in international institutions and forums.

The SCCA Academy offers a range of training programs that come in two main forms, long-term programs (fellowships) and short courses, both organized in partnership with select international institutions in the ADR industry such as.


To be the knowledge and skill enabler for ADR practitioners in the Middle East and North Africa region, in accordance with the latest international standards and best practices.


To provide professional, specialized training and education programs that equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to practice ADR, together with international partners and top industry experts.



  1. To support business sectors in the Middle East and North Africa with a constellation of ADR professionals who can achieve justice in business disputes.
  2. To develop an elite of professional Arab practitioners of ADR whoa are able to compete within ADR institutions and international venues.
  3. To contribute to the localization of the ADR industry in the MENA region by limiting the migration of cases abroad.
  4. To prepare the younger generation of ADR practitioners by providing training programs to transition them from academic theory to real-world practice.